
Monday, August 27, 2018

What I would take in my backpack from the book 'Pax'


If you were to pack a backpack for a long journey such as Peter’s, what would you bring?

In the space below and on the next page, add pictures of the items that you would bring with you
your backpack. At the bottom, write a brief explanation of why you would bring each item with you.

Things I would take in my bag:

*Canned food- This will last longer than non-canned food
*spork-to eat food with
*water in reusable bottles
*food for Pax- a fox in the story

*Knife- for safety out in the forest

*Tent and sleeping bag-these could be attached to the bag
*Matches- to light a fire so you can keep warm and cook food
*Wind and rain proof jacket
*Soap- to wash my hands
*First-Aid Kit

Image result for picture of a sleeping bagImage result for picture of a head torch

Monday, August 13, 2018

Footsteps challenge about the pier

This is my slide show that I have made for another Footsteps Challenge that our class have been set to do.
It is about the history of New Brighton pier.
I hope you like my presentation, please comment your thoughts about what you like and what I could improve on.
Thank you!